Sundaraijal Children's Home

The Future is in their hands

Sundaraijal Children's Home Recently, some of our volunteers, made a Medical Check to our children in both houses, Sundarijal and Indreni

Sundaraijal Children's Home   Ram Hari Khadka

B.P. Chowk - 44603   Sundarijal, NP-BA, NEPAL - +32.476487763 -

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Medical check up

News Medical check up

Picture Medical check up 1Paula, Carla and Oriol

Recently, some of our volunteers, made a Medical Check to our children in both houses, Sundarijal and Indreni.

Paula, who is a nurse, and Oriol and Carla, medical students, the three from Spain, spend two days doing the checking: measuring, weighing, taking blood pressure, temperature, eye test, skin diseases check, any other disorder, etc...

they found some mild cases that will need a doctor visit, but everything went all right for all our children.

we want to thank Paula, carla and Oriol for their helpfull task.

you can check how it went by following these link:

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