Sundaraijal Children's Home

The Future is in their hands

Sundaraijal Children's Home With our brand new house finished, the children all moved in already. Everybody seems so happy that finally works are over

Sundaraijal Children's Home   Ram Hari Khadka

B.P. Chowk - 44603   Sundarijal, NP-BA, NEPAL - +32.476487763 -

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Inside New House Pictures and the Big Puja

News Inside New House Pictures and the Big Puja

Picture Inside New House Pictures and the Big Puja 1meditation and music room

With our brand new house finished, the children all moved in already. Everybody seems so happy that finally works are over. it took longer that expected due to many reasons, but at the end, there they are! now it’s time to get use to the new building and to enjoy it.

The house is bright and colorful with a lot of light coming in from outside.

it’s a three-storey building with a large top roof.

there are 5 dormitories, 1 leisure area, 3 bathrooms, 1 meditation room, the study room, the dining and kitchen, the office and the carers room.

there’s a small garden area and a in front patio for the children to play, lie down and relax, read books etc…

the house is surrounded by an amazing view of the area, the hills and rice fields.

A beautiful setting for the well being and the future of all our children.

so here we show for the firts time some pictures from the inside of the House....

we celebarte a special Puja to honour and bless the house with all the children from both houses and all staff and volunteers...

follow this link to see how it went:

Additional pictures

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